
Create impressive Confluence Pages by highlighting information with Panels. This macro gives you the possibility to format your text by using coloured panels.

Panel macro

To add the Panel macro to a page: 

  1. In the Confluence editor, choose + > Other Macros

  2. Find and select the Panel macro.

Alternatively, just type ‘/' and the beginning of an element (tool or things in the insert menu) to see a list of suggestions and enter 'Panel’.

Next, you select the Panel macro and the Panel configuration dialog opens up to present you a variation of configuration options.

This is how the default panel looks like.

This is a panel with enabled title area & icon.

This is a panel with enabled title area & icon. Notice the position of the title and this text.

In this panel we used the dashed border line.

You can style the title area incl. title text and icon individually.

If you like it more colorful you can always define the color of the content area. The border line can also be styled individually.

After configuring the Panel as you please click Save.

Enter any text in the macro body. You can always change the configuration of your panel.


Updates are provided regularly to keep the stability, performance and functionality of Panels at a high standard. Following features will be introduced to Panels soon:

In case you have any questions, need more detailed information or would like to share feature suggestions, please feel free to contact us via our service desk.