Import Assets

To customize the catalog for the first time, users can use two import options:

  • Import object schema → import a whole object schema with all object types and products. Before proceeding, admin can always decide if he still wants to exclude some of the object types.

  • Import object types manually → select object types from different schemas.

No matter what selected, admin can always add or remove new object types.

Import object Schema

When you import the complete object schema, it doesn't automatically update or populate with new object types that are added later. Manual intervention or additional configuration may be required to incorporate these new additions.

Products within the synced object types are updating automatically.

After the object schema has been selected the Assets tree will be fetched and displayed. Here you have an overview of all the object types that will act as categories inside the shop. Also, from this screen you can select or deselect any object types/categories you do not wish to have in the shop.

When done with the selection click on the Import button.

Import object types manually

In case only one object type needs to be added to the catalog without importing a object schema or you want to create a catalog with object types from different schemas, you should use this option.

Object schema* → Select an object schema from which the object types will be filtered.

Object type* → Select an object type to import as a catalog category.

AQL filter → Optional AQL filter to further narrow down the asset selection.

It is a dynamic feature and can be used for improving the admin use experience. For example, show products if the In Stock attribute bigger or equal 1.

Default attributes

  • Name* → When configuring a catalog in a portal view, the 'Name' attribute is required. It is mandatory to define the 'Name' for each catalog. Without it, you cannot proceed further in the setup process.

  • Short Description → While the 'Short Description' is optional, it's beneficial for users. It provides a quick insight into the product without delving into the detailed view. When users hover over a product, the short description pops up, offering a glimpse of the product's highlights.

  • Price → The 'Price' attribute is optional in the catalog. If left undefined, users will see a label marked "No Price" when viewing the product. This ensures clarity for users when browsing products without specified pricing.