Administration guide

Accessing Configuration Settings

  1. Navigate to Manage apps in the Jira interface.

  2. In the left sidebar, select Shoppie.

  3. Click on My Assets to access the configuration settings.

Setting up My Assets

Admins can configure "My Assets" by selecting specific object schemas and object types. The configuration allows admins to display items assigned to a user by using the attribute attribute = currentUser().

Steps to Configure:

  1. Select Object Schema: Choose the relevant schema that represents the type of assets (e.g., hardware, software).

  2. Choose Object Types: Define the types of items to be displayed under each schema (e.g., laptops, software licenses).

  3. AQL filter: Implement the attribute = currentUser() function to ensure users only see items assigned to them.

  4. Attributes to display: Display different attributes in details view based on the device displayed

  5. Request a problem request type: Map a desired portal and request type for reporting problems with the asset