Get more details of linked issues

Issue linking in Jira offers several benefits for managing projects and tracking tasks. Overall, issue links in Jira are valuable for managing complex projects, enhancing communication and collaboration, and providing a comprehensive overview of task relationships. By utilizing issue links effectively, teams can improve productivity, streamline workflows, and ensure successful project execution.

  • Improved traceability Issue links allow you to establish relationships between issues, such as parent-child, dependency, or related issues.

  • Cross-Issue References → Issue links enable you to refer to other issues directly within an issue's description, comments, or fields.

  • Enhanced Project Planning → Issue links facilitate better project planning by establishing task dependencies. You can link issues that must be completed before others can start, enabling you to create logical sequences and identify potential bottlenecks in your project timeline.

  • Flexible and Customizable → Jira offers various issue links that can be customized based on your specific project needs.

Problem we solve

In the default setup of Jira, users have limited visibility into the details of linked issues. They can only view basic information such as the summary, status, priority, and assignee. This limitation hinders their ability to gain a comprehensive understanding of the linked issues, leading to reduced efficiency and clarity.

Without the ability to see detailed information about linked issues, users face challenges in obtaining a comprehensive overview and in-depth understanding of the relationships and status of interconnected issues.

Our solution

Introducing a custom panel called "Issue Panel" in Jira that provides configurable visibility and information display for linked issues. The Issue Panel can be customized per project and issue type, displaying all linked issues or specific link types and can be further filtered by a JQL filter. Columns for the table can be configured using custom fields, enabling users to have a clear overview and access more information within a single issue.

  1. User Scenario:

    • A project team member is working on an issue in Jira that has multiple linked issues associated with it.

    • In the issue view, a custom panel called "Issue Panel" is available, providing a comprehensive display of the linked issues and their details.

  2. Configuring the Issue Panel:

    • The project team member configures the Issue Panel according to the project and issue type requirements.

    • The configuration includes selecting whether to display all linked issues or only specific link types, setting up a JQL filter to further refine the displayed issues, and configuring the columns to show relevant information using custom fields.

  3. Enhanced Linked Issue Visibility:

    • With the Issue Panel configured, the project team member can now view detailed information about the linked issues within the panel.

    • The panel displays additional information such as issue description, comments, due dates, labels, or any other relevant custom fields, providing a comprehensive overview of the linked issues' status and progress.

  4. Efficient Issue Management:

    • The project team member can take informed actions based on the insights gained from the Issue Panel.

    • They can easily navigate to individual linked issues, collaborate with relevant stakeholders, track dependencies, and make data-driven decisions, all within the context of the main issue.


  • Comprehensive Overview: The Issue Panel allows users to view detailed information about linked issues, providing a comprehensive overview of their status, progress, and interrelationships.

  • Customizable Configuration: The panel can be tailored per project and issue type, allowing users to display all linked issues or specific link types and apply JQL filters to refine the displayed issues.

  • Efficient Issue Management: With access to more information within a single issue view, users can efficiently manage linked issues, track dependencies, and make informed decisions, improving overall productivity.


By introducing the Issue Panel in Jira, users gain enhanced visibility and a comprehensive overview of linked issues within a single issue view. This solution addresses the limitation of limited information visibility, improving efficiency, and facilitating more effective issue management in Jira.