17 May 2023
Inline create for Colored labels. It is now possible to create new labels on the go.
16 May 2023
Fixed an issue where a lot of empty space would appear when adding options to the Multilevel custom field in create screen.
15 May 2023
Fixed an issue where a limited amount of user groups would appear when selecting groups in Secure fields
10 May 2023
Fixed an issue where the WSJF field couldn’t be editer through the Jira interface
Added descriptions for the WSJF values
25 April 2023
Fixed an issue where the pagination in field dashboard overlapped with the created custom fields
6 April 2023
🆕 New field: WSJF field
Added a default unit option to the Unit field
5 April 2023
Fixed an issue where values were not being saved in the multilevel field through issue create screen.
28 March 2023
It is now possible to add a custom domain to the email field type in the Format Field
14 March 2023
🆕 New field: Format Field
Added MAC address, IP address, phone number, EMAIL, FQDN and date format field
13 March 2023
Fixed an issue where Secure Fields custom field configuration wouldn’t open after creating a field
Fixed an issue where T-Shirt size would return after refreshing the page
Improved Status field in queues and Issue Navigator
23 February 2023
Deprecated Multilevel select picker
Deprecated Multilevel select(multiple)
Deprecated Single select picker
Existing select picker fields will stay and their configuration will remain untouched and open to editing as usual. New users will not see the fields. Added:
Multilevel select picker → Universal field with both single and multi select options.
Improved UI/UX
Colored Labels → New custom field that allows you to add colored labels.
21 December 2022
Fixed an issue where multilevel select options couldn’t be scrolled
Fixed an issue where Advanced Issue Links field displayed “Test” instead of field name
14 December 2022
Added Chinese Yuan, Korean Won, Thailand Baht currencies to the Currency field
Added XXS T-Shirt size
12 December 2022
Fixed an issue where Multilevel field couldn’t be saved due to a large amount of characters(JSON character limit reached)
T-Shirt size can now be deselected entirely
9 November 2022
Fixed an issue where links were not being created through the issue create screen(AIL field)
Fixed an issue where a singlepicker field would have multiple values
Fixed an issue where field description wasn’t being saved through the CFS dashboard
31 October 2022
NEW Advanced Issue Links field released.
Easily filter out issues to link using a JQL filter and sync them with Jira links.
21 October 2022
NEW Configuration redesign
Redesigned configuration dashboard
Redesigned field creation screen
10 October 2022
NEW New features
updated our custom field types in Create issue screen
Time in Status, JQL Filter Field, Comment Fields (except dates) and True False Fields can now be displayed in Confluence Jira issue display macro
all our custom field types now work properly in Jira Dashboards (note that they’re limited to displaying only textual and numerical values)
27 September 2022
NEW New features:
added the Czech koruna (CZK) currency for the Currency (Price) custom field
added a warning panel for 100 screens limit due to Atlassian limitations
NEW Bug fixes:
fixed a bug where Time in Status custom field wasn’t tracking time correctly in certain statuses
23 September 2022
NEW Time in Status custom field
Time in Status custom field tracks the time of an issue in a certain status. By default, Time in Status will track the current issue status. This can be changed to track a specific status, regardless of which status the issue is in.
19 September 2022
NEW Added the X Screens, X Context in the Screens & Contexts column for easier custom field managing. Made custom fields more responsive when deleting them; no need to refresh the page now. Also added a few minor content and UX/UI improvements to make using Custom Field Suite even more straightforward.
12 September 2022
NEW ​CFS Dashboard
Create a custom field in a matter of seconds by clicking the “Create custom field” button, and you are all set to unlock the next level of project management skills!
10 July 2022
NEW ​JQL Filter field
The JQL Filter Field allows you to define and display field data using complex and precise JQL filters by selecting a field from which the value will be taken and defining a JQL to filter out only certain desired issues.
10 July 2022
NEW ​Jira Expressions field
Jira Expressions Field provides the user with ways to freely configure and adapt the field to their needs to enhance issue data. Select one of the many available expressions and display them on an issue. Jira Expressions Field can display dates, users, content, and much more. It is a way to keep you updated while keeping the issue relevant and easy to navigate.
3 May 2022
BUGFIX Advanced Search - Support for Calculated and Comment fields
Fixed the problem where Calculated and Comment fields were not displaying in the advanced search in Jira.
20 April 2022
NEW ​New custom field type - Abbreviate Numbers
Abbreviated format to display large numbers.
1.000,00 → 1K
1.200,00 → 1K
100.000,00 → 100K
101.000,00 → 1.01K
1.000.000,00 → 1M
NEW ​New custom field type - Units
Display the decimal value with the belonging abbreviated unit.
NEW ​New custom field type - Panels
Display important information in colored panels.
31 March 2022
NEW ​New custom field type - Multilevel Select Picker (Multiple)
The Multilevel Select Picker (Multiple) allows you to create a cascading select field with an unlimited number of levels (The standard Jira cascading field has only two levels) and select more values from a single level in the issue view.
NEW ​New custom field type - Secure Fields
This custom field type provides various secure field types. Jira administrators can create numbered, text, and date custom fields like Jira standard ones. After defining view and edit permissions in the context screen, users without permissions can´t see or edit the hidden information and will get a message that they are not permitted to view or edit.
22 March 2022
NEW ​Reorder and disable multilevel select values
Option to reorder or disable values from Multilevel select custom fields.
2 February 2022
NEW ​Mailto option for button
The Sum (Average) of numeric values in the linked issues custom field allows you to define the value range for the number custom field type.