

The pages content type is great for collecting related pages together and for situations where you need to see information about a set of pages at a glance, such as:

  • project pages

  • document control

  • change management

  • process and procedure documentation.

You could:

  • list all pages that have the label 'onboarding' and include the word 'Team'

  • list any pages with the label 'meeting-notes' that you've been mentioned in.


On this page

Configuring the pages views

While in the start screen of the Content Viz macro choose Pages. You will be forwarded to the macro configuration specifically designed for pages. The sidebar on the left enables you to apply filters or manually select pages. Based on your configuration you will be receiving a live preview on the right.


The pages content type supports two views:


This view type is specifically designed to gain your audiences' attention and is popular on space dashboards or general overview pages. All pages will be displayed in a card layout and be sorted chronologically.

Each card contains metadata about the page:

  • Page title

  • Author

  • Extract of the page

  • Date (of last edit)

If no header image is selected in the blog post a default picture will be loaded.

Compact Card

Presents pages in a clear, compact way. Contains all information; Page title, Author, Extract of the page, Date (of last edit), but with an icon instead of an image.

Mini Card

Can be used for short and quick links to pages. Contains only some information; Page title and Author. Also contains an icon for a better visual effect.


The list view is recommended when you want to offer your users a helpful collection of pages that are view promotes the visibility of your blog posts without taking too much space.

Compact List

Small, short and it’s got all the important information about a page. Contains Page title, Author, Date (of last edit).


This option is only available when selecting the Card, Compact Card, or Mini Card view.

There are several column layouts available. After choosing a layout, you can easily switch between the options.

Dynamic and manual selection

Depending on your use case you can choose to display content dynamically or manually. By default the Dynamic option is selected so all available blog posts on your Confluence site are displayed in a chronological order, unless you apply filters. The main advantage of the dynamic view is that the rendered pages are automatically updated when you either change the filter or new blog posts that match your filter are created.

The Manual option allows you to cherry-pick from a list of already existing blog posts.

Options for dynamic configuration


To narrow the results you can use a combination of filters.

  • Pages under – Return content that exists in pages under the selected page; this is helpful if know generally where the content exists in the page tree but you don't know the exact page name. 

  • Labels – See content that contains the specific label or labels. When adding multiple labels to your filter, the operator used between the labels is OR. The ability to use the AND operator between labels is not supported.

  • Spaces – Return pages from a particular space or list of spaces.

  • Contributors – Find content that's been modified (created, edited, or commented on) by a particular person or people in any space, including their personal space. When adding multiple contributors to your filter, the operator used between the people is OR. The ability to use the AND operator between people is not supported.


To further limit the displayed results when using the Dynamic option you can specify how many pages should be displayed in the macro.

Additionally, you can choose to paginate the results in three ways:

  • Load more button: A button that enables users to load more content is displayed below your pages.

  • Disabled: Users cannot load older pages.

Options for manual configuration

When selecting the manual option the filters in the left sidebar are substituted with a page picker. By clicking on the input field you can search for existing Confluence pages.

Selected pages will appear below the input field in the left sidebar. Additionally, they are displayed on in the preview area based on your selected view. You can remove them from your preview by hovering on them in the left sidebar. You can also re-order them at any time on the left sidebar.

Tabs in Pages

Tabs in Pages make it easier to organize and keep track of content. They also make it easier to quickly access specific pieces of content, saving time and making it easier to find the content you need. This will eliminate the need to create five different Pages overviews for five different topics.

Tabs in overviews help to streamline the workflow by allowing users to group related topics into one tab, making it simpler to find the desired information. Furthermore, tabs help to save space on a Confluence page, which many individual macros would otherwise occupy.

How to use

Simply toggle the Tabs feature on:

  • Tab names are edited inline.

  • Clicking on the plus button adds a new tab.

  • Pages in different tabs share their configuration, except for the Filter section.

  • To delete a tab, simply hover over it and press the trash button.

  • To move a tab left or right, hover over it and press the left or right arrow buttons.

And that’s it! Quick to set up and simple to use. Organizing content has never been easier.


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