How-to Instructions

Create Translated Pages

Choose your Confluence page to translate, and click on the right-top globe icon to create a translation.

The window with the available languages and the translations that have already been created will open.

To translate the page, click on , the translated page will automatically open a child page, or you can choose to save it under another parent page. Using the toggle allows you a new page destination.

If the source page was updated, next to the translated language is a red date which means it is older than the update. So you can easily keep track of your translated pages.


A glance at all translations

You will find an easy pop-up dialogue to switch between translated languages on all source pages and other translated pages. All the flags shown in the section available translations are linked with the created pages. This feature helps you to switch from one translation to another without leaving the page.

Edit Mode

After the page is translated, it is possible to adapt and change the content without using a DeepL account.


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