

While in the start screen of the Content Viz macro, choose Miro. You will be forwarded to the macro configuration specifically designed for Miro. The sidebar on the left enables you to enter the URL from your Figma file and change the size. Based on your configuration, you will receive a live preview.

To use the Figma URL in Content Viz, make sure to set the permissions to 'can view' in the permissions on the bottom left corner. Paste the link in the sidebar on the left

Configure the Miro live preview

  1. Open your Miro board

  2. Click on the “Share” button.

  3. Make sure to set the permissions to “can view.”

  4. Click on the “Copy link” button.

  5. Paste the link in the sidebar on the left.

  6. Select the size

  7. Click on the “Save” button.




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