App Limitations

We know several limitations related to the Custom Field Suite app related to Atlassian Forge framework.

Issue 1: Using Forge custom fields on a JSM portal or a JSM request type is impossible.

Issue 2: Using the Forge custom field on transition screens is impossible. The fields can be assigned to the screen, but they will be rendered as text fields.

Issue 3: Forge custom fields do not support inline editing on issue view.

Issue 4: Forge custom fields do not work on Jira Cloud mobile app.

Issue 5: Custom fields are rendered as free text fields on bulk update.

Issue 6: Forge custom fields do not work in Forms.

Issue 7: Calculated and Comment fields (Hardcoded fields) won´t appear on screens where the Default or Field tabs are not selected.


Issue 8: It is not possible to change the custom field type.


Issue 9: The sum (Average) of numeric values in linked issues won't work with read-only fields.

Issue 10: Forge custom fields with graphics(pictures, avatars, etc.) do not work well in issue navigator and boards

Issue 11: Forge custom fields are not supported by Jira automation of the box

Issue 12: Forge custom fields do not work in JWM list view.

Issue 13: Using Forge custom fields in other apps doesn’t always work as expected in progress

Third party integration such as JXL or PowerBI can pose issues when trying to use Forge custom fields with the app. It is currently in plan to make CFS fields compatible with other apps.

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