Calculated Fields

Calculated Fields

A large suite of automatically calculated fields that display the information defined on hardcoded fields. Choose one from many available field types and display it on an issue.

  • Sum story points in epic - Sums all story points added to issues in epic. Only visible in issue type epic. → Will appear only in EPIC.

  • Number of issues in epic - Number of issues in epic (all types). Only visible in issue type epic. → Will appear only in EPIC.

  • Number of comments - Number of internal and public comments. Available for all issue types.

  • Number of subtasks - Number of subtasks in user story or task. Only visible in issue-type User Story. → Will appear only in User Story.

  • Number of attachments - Number of attachments uploaded to an issue. Available for all issue types.

  • Number of links - Number of links.

  • Number of inward links - Number of inward links.

  • Number of outward links - Number of outward links.

Configure custom fields

To create and configure the Calculated Fields custom field, you must be logged in as a user with Jira Administrator permissions.


  1. Go to AppsManage your appsCustom Field Suite

  2. Click on Create custom field button on the right side of the screen.

  3. Select Calculated Fields and click Next.

  4. Name and add a description to your field then click Next.

  5. Select field type and click Next.

  6. Associate the field to the appropriate screens and click Create. You must associate a field to a screen before it will be displayed.

That’s it! You can now navigate to your issue and enhance it with Calculated Fields.

Advanced Issue Search (JQL Search) and Gadgets

All fields are searchable and support gadgets.